Access to Cognitive Lifeskills Courses
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About Lifeskills Link
Lifeskills Link is a system of collaboration and accountability. It provides intelligent insights into each students experience which informs targeted intervention and cognitive-behavioral skill development. The curriculum is built on our evidence-based model of cognitive behavior therapy together with our unique self-directed learning approach which has proven to help students and clients overcome self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.
Whether the student is taking a course online or offline, they will be engaged and challenged to see their current challenges from new perspectives and be facilitated to take ownership over the quality of their thoughts.
Students learn, grow and change best in the presence of those they trust and have a positive relationship with. Utilizing a pro-social coach provides additional support and accountability for students. Most importantly, coaches help to fulfill their students' emotional hierarchy of needs.
Admin Users
The Lifeskills Link platform empowers behavioral change professionals with intuitive data and insights about their student’s cognitive and behavioral skill development which enhances their intervention capacity
Customer Experience

Students logging in for the first time will be presented with a helpful tutorial.
All of the courses that a student has access to are easily found on the courses menu.
Learning Supports
Such as audio support and an integration with Oxford dictionary for challenging words.
Full Screen Mode
Videos and diagrams are available in full screen mode.
Language and TTS
Students can choose to take their course in Spanish or English with TTS (Text-To-Speech).
Additional support, settings, and account information can be founding on the settings menu.
Results you can trust
Years of experience2,400
Correctional and educationalagencies served
Completed courses per yearon average
Evidence-based reportsand research studies